The Citadelle of Sisteron welcomes you once again for an immersion into the heart of its exceptional heritage.
Visits and special events
Les visites commentées en journée reprennent dès le 6 avril, chaque dimanche et jour férié, sur réservation.
Fort du succès des visites au coucher du soleil en 2024, de nouvelles dates sont proposées cette année, offrant une expérience immersive unique, ponctuées par un coucher de soleil spectaculaire sur la Citadelle.
Have fun exploring the Citadelle
The booklet-game is back with a version designed for 3-6 year-olds, giving younger visitors a fun and educational way to discover the Citadelle.
Un évènement inédit en plein cœur de l’été
‘En scène au fort’, the new feature of this season, will offer you a cultural and artistic immersion through a diversified programme. Dance, music and other performances will punctuate the summer on the Citadelle's first terrace, highlighting both emerging and established regional artists. Particular attention will be paid to performances for young audiences in the monument's cave-shelters. These events will be open to visitors during the day and offered free of charge to the local population after the site closes. A unique opportunity to discover the Citadelle from a new angle, in a magical setting steeped in history.
A journey through history and military architecture
Along the sound trail you can admire some remarkable architectural features:
- La Chapelle Notre-Dame du Château and its magnificent coloured stained glass windows by master stained glass artist Claude Courageux,
- La guérite du Diablevertiginously overhanging the Durance,
- L’impressionnant escalier souterrain and its 258 steps carved into the rock,
- Le seul pont-levis en « Zig-Zag » reconstructed in France, a rarity in 19th-century military architecture.
The adventure continues with the ‘Vauban and his predecessors’ exhibition in La Poudrière, immersing visitors in the fascinating world of 16th and 17th century fortifications. Visitors are invited to continue their journey through the centuries with the film ‘Citadelle! Ship of Men’.